June 13, 2011

Country Music Capitol with the 4 L's!

When Shawn and I decided to move from Dallas, I was pregnant with Abby.  We were moving away from friends and family to a new town without a house let alone a nursery for our eight day old baby.  The office that Shawn was relocating to had two open management positions.  Shawn filled one of them and Lyndon, a coworker of Shawn's from Dallas, was filling the other.  Lyndon was to be Shawn's boss which he was excited about.  I was excited because Lyndon had a wonderful wife Laura and a little boy with another on the way.  It made the move so much easier knowing we already had friends.
Abby and I would crash their house once or twice a week and when our husbands traveled we would always hang out till the late hours of the night.  Abby adored and looked up to their oldest son and when their second son was born Abby pretty much considered him her little brother.  Laura also became a life saver when I was pregnant with Mia.  She understood my horrible pregnancies because she had experienced them too.  
And then after almost three years ...... Lyndon had to go and get relocated to a new office in a different state, far away from our little family.  I won't lie, it really sucked for the first couple of months after they moved!  Abby, Mia and I had to go out and make new friends, Shawn was traveling a bit more in his new position ( he took over Lyndon's), and we missed our friends.  
Last year we were able to fly and visit the 4L's (a little nickname) in their new town, but this year we decided to meet them half way.  So on Friday, we loaded up the car and headed to the Country Music Capital of the World!

Nashville is pretty fun for a 5, 4, 3, and 2 year old.  The old people had pretty good time too!

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