February 14, 2011

Be Mine

Abby was demanding craft time this weekend, so we took to the internet for inspiration and saw these..... 

seven PER-fect kitties for her class Valentine party!

The Whiteley household was very excited about "Hearts Day".  We went to bed early with dreams of hearts and kisses, only to wake up to Mia loosing her cookies, if you know what I mean!

Does this look like a kid who has been up sick all night?  Must have been a 24 hour bug because she is already on the mend! Lets hope this bug does not spread... we have a very important birthday party this coming weekend.

 Before Abby was off to school, Valentines gifts were exchanged.  
Since I was home bound taking care of the sick, Shawn was sent to school to provide Ice Cream to 7 excited little Valentines! 


1 comment:

Laura said...

Love the valentine craft! Abby looks like a little girl now...not sure if you want to hear that, but she is precious! Sorry Mia is still not feeling well. I hope she had a good day anyway!