May 10, 2011

My Morning:

5:40'ish : Abby woke up screaming. She could not find her stuffed dog to sleep with and Mia was "thirsty for milk, Ma".  So I climbed into bed with them only for a few minutes, but fell asleep.

7:10 ish: Woke up feeling very wet on my back.  Mia's diaper had leaked on the bed and on me.

7:45: I went to feed my children and could not come up with anything for breakfast, so they ate carrots and vanilla wafers.  

8:15: A certain child of mine locked me outside of my house.  I had gone out to turn on the sprinkler only to return to a locked door with two giggling children standing on the other side.  I stood there, in my pj's, for 10 minutes screaming at my child threw the window to unlock the door.  Her giggles quickly turned into panic when she heard my "angry" voice.  It took her a while, but she finally figured out how to unlock the door.  

8:30: Took the kids up to the play room to play while I spent a considerable amount of time, unsuccessfully, trying to upload some video onto You Tube.  Maybe I will try again tomorrow! 

So instead of really cute video's of my children, you get to look at a few of my favorite pictures from my iphone!

I hit the jackpot at our local pizza eatery!

The chef has returned... watch out Paula Dean!

Abby found my old glasses

Daddy's birthday!

Birds Nest on our swing set

The day is already looking brighter... Mia went down fast for her nap, I now have time to workout, and Abby is perfectly happy playing games on the computer.  And did I mention it's Parents Night Out at our church, so Shawn and I have a date this evening!  

1 comment:

Laura said...

Love your morning! Been on the outside of the house pj's, trying to get in while the lawn guys watched. At least your day got better! Cute pics, love the one of Abby cooking!