May 27, 2011

Sweet and Spicy

Oh, what can I say about my little Mia!  That girl keeps me on my toes, thats for sure.  When she was little she refused to roll over.  I was so concerned about it, I spent hours during the day rolling her from front to back hoping she would catch on.  She also refused to eat any baby food until she was almost 9 months old,  she survived on formula alone.  At first I thought she was just going to be my laid back child and I was honestly a little angry when her doctor said that he thought she was just stubborn.
Boy did he call it,  my little angel is as stubborn as a mule!  But she is also cute..... really, really cute.
And have I ever mentioned she likes hummus.... 
and shoes...
and my iphone?

Last Day of School

When I was little, I was so excited for summer to come.  I loved sleeping in till noon, being lazy, playing in the sprinkler, or going up to the pool.  Life could not get any better.  I did not mind being bored, in fact I thrived on boredom!
Abby hates to be bored.  She has been out of school for two days now and is already complaining.  She misses her friends and teacher.  She actually cried on Wednesday night when I told her that it was summer and she did not have to go to school anymore.  She said "But I am going to be so bored staying home all day".  Today she has painted, colored, and played with moon dough but is still BORED!
 Little does she know that her summer schedule is almost booked.  With swimming lessons, soccer camp, and vacation bible school not to mention trips to Nashville, Lindale, and two trips to Edmond we hardly have a week off.
I hope she enjoys her summer, I know Mia and I are really happy to have her home all day!

Abby on her first day of school and on her last day. 

Abby and her teacher Mrs. Beth

May 18, 2011

Tiny Dancers

I am a horrible dancer.   I often dread going to weddings knowing that Shawn is going to want to dance.  I get dragged out onto the dance floor and freeze.  I can't seem to move my feet to the beat and my hands and arms look as though they are having spasms.  I admit, I am envious of people who can dance and I often talk negative about dancers to hide my envy.  Since I am admitting silly things, I'll also tell you that I sometimes day dream that I am Shakira singing with Wyclef Jean "Hips don't Lie"!  

My two girls do not share my fears of ridicule while dancing.  They dance like wild monkeys and don't seem to notice or care that anyone is watching them.  I hope they always dance so freely!

They are also starting to show preferences in music.  Abby's favorite song is "FireFlies" by Owl City.  She heard it play on my computer last summer and became addicted to it.  Her taste seems to be more dance/electronica music.  
Mia's favorite song is "It's Oh So Quiet" by Bjork.  She heard it play on my ipod a couple of weeks ago and now she begs for me to play it so that she can whisper and then yell really loud.

May 10, 2011

My Morning:

5:40'ish : Abby woke up screaming. She could not find her stuffed dog to sleep with and Mia was "thirsty for milk, Ma".  So I climbed into bed with them only for a few minutes, but fell asleep.

7:10 ish: Woke up feeling very wet on my back.  Mia's diaper had leaked on the bed and on me.

7:45: I went to feed my children and could not come up with anything for breakfast, so they ate carrots and vanilla wafers.  

8:15: A certain child of mine locked me outside of my house.  I had gone out to turn on the sprinkler only to return to a locked door with two giggling children standing on the other side.  I stood there, in my pj's, for 10 minutes screaming at my child threw the window to unlock the door.  Her giggles quickly turned into panic when she heard my "angry" voice.  It took her a while, but she finally figured out how to unlock the door.  

8:30: Took the kids up to the play room to play while I spent a considerable amount of time, unsuccessfully, trying to upload some video onto You Tube.  Maybe I will try again tomorrow! 

So instead of really cute video's of my children, you get to look at a few of my favorite pictures from my iphone!

I hit the jackpot at our local pizza eatery!

The chef has returned... watch out Paula Dean!

Abby found my old glasses

Daddy's birthday!

Birds Nest on our swing set

The day is already looking brighter... Mia went down fast for her nap, I now have time to workout, and Abby is perfectly happy playing games on the computer.  And did I mention it's Parents Night Out at our church, so Shawn and I have a date this evening!