August 25, 2011

Night Before PreK!

Abby had one last day of summer so we decided to celebrate!  First was a trip to IHOP for smily face chocolate chip pancakes.

Next on the list was a trip to the book store for a little reading time.

I think Mia had a little too much chocolate!!

And finally the highlight of the day was SMURFS!!

After all the pancakes and chocolate consumed during the day, I decided a nice hearty bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup should be on the back to school menu.

Dinner was fed, baths were taken, teeth were brushed, and two happy kids were tucked into bed and read a book by daddy.

First day of Pre K
Mia was having a rough morning and was not happy about going to Mothers Day Out :(

She is going to have a great year!!  

Summer time Visits!!

This summer we have had some exciting visitors!  First up was my good friend Becca who came in July for a quick weekend getaway.  We spent all day Saturday shopping and getting pedicures and just hanging out and talking.  Oh and did I mention she was pregnant with her fourth baby??  I did not take pictures of her visit but instead I have a cute little picture of Miss Riley who was born yesterday!!!
Welcome to the world little Miss Riley!

At the beginning of August we had our good friend Mandi and her husband Cody and the sweetest, happiest baby I have ever meet come to visit!!  
I think I heard her cry one time the entire visit!  
And can you believe this little cutie is going to be a big sister?!?!

Our last visitors of the summer were Grammy and Chief!  The girls were soooo excited that Grammy was able to come and see their new house. (Grammy has had a rough year with nerve problems and has been unable to travel)

Thanks everyone for coming to visit!!!

August 17, 2011

Summer wrap up!

Over the past two weeks it has rained a lot in our "little" town.  I LOVE the rain and the cooler weather that comes with it.  We have been spending as much time outside as we can before the summer is over and the crazy school schedule begins.

One of the main reasons why we love our neighborhood is the park, walking trail, and pond!

Love trips to the zoo!

 Abby loves scavenger hunts and writing letters!  

And as the summer is coming to a close, I am happy to announce that Mia has cut back on her pacifier to nap time and bed time only and is starting to potty train herself!  Seriously, she says "Give me Privacy, Mom"!  

And Abby has conquered her fear of swimming and is now no longer deathly afraid of tunnel slides!  
But as much fun as we are having, they can't wait for school to start!

Confessions of a Horticulturists

Dear Abby Lou,
I have a confession to make.  This year you brought home a little cup full of soil from school.  You told me that inside was a carrot seed and that if you watered it and waited patiently a little carrot would grow for you to eat.  You woke up each morning and went to the window sill to see how much it had grown overnight and if you could see the orange from the carrot.  We would water the green stems that had sprouted and place the cup back on the window sill and talk about how important it is to be patient for things to grow.  You were very patient, even when I could tell that some days you were a little disappointed.
After 3 months of watering, talking, and staring at your carrot plant, I started to worry.  I began telling you that sometimes plants don't grow and that we can try again, but you were very persistent. You very boldly told me "Mom, you have to be PATIENT"!  I knew that life lessons were being taught to you through this little tiny plant and that you would be heartbroken if a carrot did not appear out of the soil one day.  I also began to realize that you would probably keep watering the soil everyday of your life, faithfully knowing that one day a beautiful orange carrot would appear.
When we left to spend Independence Day with your grandparents you demanded that we take the cup with us so that you could continue to water it.  So, off we went to Texas with a full load of luggage and a little tiny cup filled with patience and love!  When we arrived to Grammy and Chief's house I placed the carrot plant on the back porch telling myself to remember to bring it in a few hours.  As you already know, your Momma gets distracted very easily, and by the time I remembered your little plant, the Sun had already gone down.  I fried your carrot plant out in the Texas Sun.
At this point I knew that there were two ways I could go with this.  One, I could tell you the truth and let you learn that sometimes life does not always turn out the way you want it to go and that mistakes happen. Or two ... I could super glue the dead steams to a baby carrot and bury it in the soil.  Can you remember which one I choose???

Those hard lessons will come soon enough, until then... I hope you enjoyed your carrot! 
P.S.   I love you!

August 4, 2011


Abby and Mia love going to Oklahoma to visit Memaw and Pepaw but this trip was a little extra special!  Savannah and Cooper (Christy's kids) came in from Texas to spend the whole week with us.  I had the priviledge of watching all four kids during the week days while everyone else went to work!  And let me just tell you... some memories were made!!!

On Tuesday night we had a swim and hot dog party for my cousin Allison's oldest boy.
 Uncles, Aunts, cousins, and second cousins all in attendance!

When we visit Edmond, Abby and Mia's favorite destination is Pops on Route 66, so we introduced our tradition to Savannah and Cooper on Thursday night.

 A short trip to Norman to visit the Dino museum was a big hit with Savannah and Cooper.  Abby acted as tour guide since she is a frequent visitor,  haha!

I guess this is what happens when you are out numbered by girls all week. Poor Coop!
 Pepaw to the rescue!