November 15, 2010

New Hobby

Abby has a new love.  Its name is Canon powershot camera.  I have been letting her (and Mia) play with it, secretly hoping they would forever damage it so that I could get a new fancy camera. Don't judge!
At first she was horrible at taking pictures.  She could not get the button to push down and then she could not point at the object and push the button.  She would get frustrated and throw the camera down leading to a time out. 
And then one day it clicked. She took control over that pesky camera and has become quite the photographer, or at least I think so!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Wow, I can't believe you actually admitted that you are trying to break your camera! But, the pics are really good! I think you should put her to work...if you want it broken, just give it to my boys for a day!